"This book is the best organized and most comprehensive treatment of the pistol mounted optic in service use currently available. This is a must read!"
Wayne Dobbs, Ret.
Retired Richardson TX Police Officer
national, and international LE firearms instructor
"Every instructor NEEDS to read this book.
Every shooter should read this book"
Tyler Christian
21 year officer, rangemaster,
and LE firearms instructor
"I was shooting last night and was able to put this into play. It IMMEDIATELY helped me to be able to see the dot without searching for it. Awesome!"
Female shooter after learning the drills described in the book
"Mike Ox has focused not on rehashing the same thing but on understanding how to get to a higher level of performance on a neurological level"
Michael Bane
Orignal (1st 20) USPSA shooter
IDPA co-founder
Steel Challenge co-founder
20+ year firearms TV host, including
"The Best Defense"
Host of "Michael Bane on the Radio" Podcast
You can use brute force and do 100s or 1000s of reps OR you can use my simple, quick process and be dialed in in a few minutes.
While others are struggling for weeks or months to make the switch, you can do it in a single shot.
(This has caused some to bristle and call "B.S."...until they actually read the book and see how.)
We want a technique that will let us practice on either irons or a red dot AND have that practice transfer over to performing with either irons or a red dot.
You'll learn how to quickly make effective hits when you can't find your dot, when your window's blocked, or if your dot breaks or completely flies off of your gun! (Hint: the answer is NOT tall suppressor sights that block half of the window)
These can all cause problems with shooting pistols...even red dots...and I'll show you how to nail targets if you struggle with these conditions and more.
Sometimes, reality bites. If you switch your home defense gun to a red dot but your spouse doesn't train enough to be able to find the dot in calm conditions, let alone when lives depend on performance, it's a big problem. You'll learn how to set up your gun so that you can take advantage of the strengths of a red dot and your spouse won't be slowed down by it.