Red Dot Mastery

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Red Dot Mastery?

Joining me for the live, online version of the training in January!

Here’s the plan for the live Red Dot Mastery training in January…

No fancy sales letter yet…just me writing to you.

Bottom line up front...

We'll cover everything in the book and more in a live, interactive video class where you can ask questions and get questions in real time.

You'll get the recordings and slides from each class.

The class is 3 x 1.5 hour classes one week and 1 freeform Q&A session the following week.  The classes will start at 4PM Pacific each day.  The Q&A will be at 10AM Pacific.

I'm going to run the class 2x in January.  You can attend either, both, or mix & match.  You'll get the recordings of both.

The first session will be the first week of January (starting Tuesday).

The second session will be the second week of January (starting Monday).

This is going to be a must-attend class for red dot owners, “dot curious,” and instructors alike.

When I offered it in October, it was going to be a one-time-only class, but the feedback was so awesome, that I offered it again in December & both classes were awesome.

On the class, Sue said, “Be prepared to hear a lot of brainy stuff that influences you being able to pick up the dot without actually ever having a pistol in your hands.”

Rick said, "Mike, I watched all the video stuff and I wrote down and did the alignment procedures to synch my senses..... I did it not only twice.... What ever this witchcraft is, I mean you explained all well except what tapping the jarbone does. Guess what I went to my range and tried my basic moves with the red dot. ( I hated to do this because I never found the dot) but now I am able to take to perfect shots in less than 2 seconds out of a concealed holster. Your stuff works boss!"
This reminds me of Clark's law, which is, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Darla said, "I was shooting last night and was able to put this concept (egocenter) into play. " This one made my eyes water a little. One shooter suffers from migraines and visited his neurologist yesterday and told him about the class and it's impact so far..."I mentioned how the breathing and vision exercises have been migraine attacks.  I have found it helps in lowering my blood pressure in addition to the vasodilation of the blood vessels in head and neck that affect the blood flow in my brain through the triangle breathing method.
Brandon said, “Using vision drills and proper presentation of the firearm to help learn a red dot optic is so much easier and less frustrating than learning by fishing for the dot.” One student was so excited at the start of the 2nd class because he’d gone to the range the day before, did what I taught the 1st class, and was on target faster and easier than ever before. You may be able to get the same results on your own…it’ll just take a lot longer and cost more. And right now, time is a luxury that we might not have. You’ll be getting the following: - The #1 thing you need to train for performance with a red dot. (This is 10x - 50x more effective than any other technique taught) - The secret to a 1-shot transition from irons to pistol mounted optics. (Why you should NOT take weeks or months to transition) - How to get 98% transfer of iron sight practice to red dot live fire. - Why you should stop aiming with your dot...and how you should use it instead. - Why one of the most popular "dot down" techniques doesn't work for 46% of the population and what to do instead, regardless of whether it's a blocked emitter, broken lens, dirt, dust, moisture, dead battery, you forgot to turn it on, or the motion switch didn't work. - Why sensory deprivation may be the key to cutting time to first hits in HALF for shooters struggling with switching to red dots. - Eye dominance and red dots...what you need to know. What red dots WILL fix and what they won't. - Astigmatism and red dots. - Why the presentation that you've always used with irons may no longer work with a dot...and the quickest fix. - Vision drills for red dots - How and where to mount (and which mounting options to avoid at all costs) - Who SHOULDN'T put a dot on their defensive pistol and what they should use instead. - Airsoft and laser training in the world of dots--best practices and how to avoid expensive mistakes that I've made. There are times when you really shouldn't put a red dot on your airsoft or laser & we'll talk about why...and what to do about it.


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