Red Dot Mastery Book
PopUp Targets + Dry Fire Cord
Red Dot Mastery LIVE!
3x 1.5 hour LIVE & interactive online class starts May 6th
Timescale: 4.5-6 hours
Lessons: 3 live classes
Includes: Autographed Red Dot Mastery Book
Includes: Instant Access to recordings of past classes
Includes: Free Retakes for the rest of 2024
Includes: Red Dot Mastery Challenge Coin
Level: Beginner to master instructor
See Quicker Shoot Quicker 2.0
Get the Ox String, the original See Quicker Shoot Quicker training, updated 20+ Ox String drills for shooting, and much more to help with peripheral awareness, seeing the front sight & dot faster/easier, and increasing peripheral vision
Get it from Mike or have it mailed to you!
Format: Lifetime access to online on-demand video training
Level: Beginner to master instructor
Vision And Balance Combo
This includes See Quicker Shoot Quicker 2.0, 2x Ox Strings, Automatic Aiming, the Vision Training Target, head mounted laser, "vision sticks", multi-size font charts, and more!
Format: Lifetime access to online on-demand video training
Level: Beginner to master instructor
Red Dot Mastery LIVE
Vision Training For Instructors
(Includes EVERYTHING plus more)
Includes everything above + "Vision Training For Instructors," an online 6x 1.5 hour class on how to use vision to maximize your performance as a shooter and your effectiveness as an instructor. With particular emphasis on how to use vision drills to change speed, flexibility, attention and inhibition as well as reducing perceived pain.
You do NOT need any special knowledge for this training. It is built on powerful principles but designed for you to use without having to learn neurology.
Includes the "Vision Training Towel" that combines vision training and laser dry fire training as a fun tool to improve several aspects of vision...both for yourself and with students.
You'll receive immediate access to past recordings and access to any Red Dot Mastery LIVE! and Vision Training for Instructors classes for the next 12 months.
Includes access to the "Instructor's Roundtable" live sessions through 2024 + 1/2 hour Zoom consulting call with Mike.
$1864 Value
Level: Instructors or shooters fascinated by the power and potential of neurology